3D video presentations of architecture and interior
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3D video presentation is a graphic video series in three-dimensional space. The customer receives a short three-dimensional video showing all the details of the architectural project as realized. The 3D presentation is made in strict accordance with the client's requirements and is intended exclusively for the client. It allows you to visually assess the expected results and, if necessary, to make corrections.
High-quality and professionally made 3D video presentation is considered to be the most effective way to provide the client with information about the results of the upcoming work. This technique is widely used in different business spheres, and architectural and design services are no exception. Creating an architectural project in 3D is by far the best way to get a real idea of the future object
Depending on the specifics of the project, the presentation may include a three-dimensional model of the building exterior (exterior view), a panoramic tour of the premises (3D video interior), an overview view of the site (landscape 3D video design). If a complex project is being developed for an object, the presentation may consist of several parts and contain clips for each element.
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We speak the same language as you!
When modeling a space, we use the most advanced graphic editors.
The cost of this service depends on different factors. The main role here play the area of the site and the customer's requirements for design. And the price of volumetric visualization is included in the total cost of the project, and its calculation is made in square meters. On average, the cost of a full-fledged package of services, including the creation of 3D presentation of architecture, is from 10 million UZS for a 30-second video. Due to the instability of the financial situation, we recommend to check the current price with the support staff.
Сроки зависят от общей площади объекта, выбранного типа проекта, формата видео и ряда других факторов. Точную информацию мы сможем предоставить только после получения ТЗ от заказчика, анализа документации и согласования технического задания с клиентом. Как правило, при подписании договора мы указываем общие сроки выполнения всего проекта (включая создание 3D видео ролика), которые, например, для трехкомнатной квартиры составляют 20 – 25 дней. Однако при необходимости сотрудники могут отдельно определить необходимое на видео презентацию интерьера или экстерьера время.
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Creating 3D-video presentations of architecture and interiors
Among the services offered by Autotechdraw architectural and design bureau in Tashkent, creation of video with volumetric architecture is one of the most demanded. This service is an element in the development of different projects and allows to convey design ideas to the customer in maximum detail. When fulfilling such orders, we combine professional qualities and creative approach. The best technologies are used to create each 3D video presentation. At the same time, specialists take into account all the wishes and needs of the customer. This page shows the main features of the service video with 3D models of architecture.
General information about creating a video with architecture in volume
The service offered on this page is one of the latest achievements in the field of architectural design. It combines the features of interior design and advanced IT-technologies. Creation of 3D presentation of architecture by our specialists in Uzbekistan is carried out after planning of the object and its coordination with the customer. Depending on the requirements and capabilities of the client, we use different video formats. Each of them allows to recreate a three-dimensional design of interior, exterior or landscape.
Especially spectacular are videos with 3D graphics of architecture created using VR-technology. Virtual reality opens before the customer the most complete picture of the future house, apartment, office or other object. When ordering such an architectural video presentation, our clients can not only view the three-dimensional image, but also take a virtual walk through the corridors, rooms and the surrounding area. After receiving and approving the visualization by the customer, our specialists proceed to the main part of the design - drawings, schemes, material calculations and estimates. The video presentation remains with the customer and he can use it for his own purposes.